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7th Term of Governance101 Training Program

55 students graduated from the 7th Term of Governance101 Training, which was held between February 25 and April 16, 2023.

7th Term Governance101 Training Program

Week 1

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden - What is Good Governance?
Pınar Ilgaz - Principles of Good Governance

Week 2

Mehmet Bahadır Teke - Volunteering and Governance Projects
Gamze Talay - Volunteering and Governance Projects

Week 3

Oğuzhan Yılmaz - Project Management
YÖN101 Team - Presentation Techniques

Week 4

Canberk Ünsal - Define Your Goal
Dicle Kaymaz - Define Your Goal

Week 5

Burak Erşahin - How to Determine How to Work

Week 6

Dr. Fatma Öğücü Şen - Value Creation Cycle

We congratulate the members of the Governance101 Training Program who organized and carried out the 7th Term Governance101 Training, the Governance101 Training Instructors, and the students who graduated from the Governance101 Training.

Related People

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden

Chair of Advisory Board

Pınar Ilgaz

Vice Chair of Board

Gamze Talay Feyzioğlu

Training Programs' Coordinator

Dr. Fatma Öğücü Şen

Research Director

Oğuzhan Yılmaz

Trainings & Youth Programs Coordinator