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The Future of Governance is Transformational

Not ESG, but G(EES)

The UN Global Compact launched the SDG 16 Business Framework in June 2021 that introduced Transformational Governance to drive responsible business conduct, improve sustainability performance, and strengthen public institutions, laws, and systems.

The authors interpret Transformational Governance as a call to broaden our perspectives on several areas: (1) Mindset on sustainability, (2) Dimensions of impact areas, (3) Time frame and materiality to evaluate the impacts of our decisions, and (4) Scope of our responsibilities.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Gizem Argüden Oskay, Dr. Erkin Erimez

18 September 2024


Sustainability Governance Scorecard 2023 Türkiye Report

Key to creating sustainable companies lies in prioritizing sustainability governance. We are completing the 5th year of the Sustainability Governance Scorecard, which examines 200 Sustainability Leaders from 7 countries and 10 sectors. Since 2019, we have been analyzing the sustainability governance approaches of the world’s leading companies, aiming to create a fundamental reference point for these approaches and highlight good examples to support companies in learning from each other.

Gizem Argüden Oskay, Melis Türker



Youth Manifesto to the Republic of Türkiye

As the second century of the Republic of Türkiye begins, we pledged and expressed our commitment to 'Our Pledge to the Republic of Türkiye!' with the intention of being a part of the solution rather than complaining, aspiring for a better future with our young generation. In line with this, we have crafted the Youth Manifesto by evaluating the opinions of our youth along with our responsibilities and solution proposals. Guided by this manifesto, which marks our starting point, we will assume our responsibilities and strive to take our country to a better place in the second century of our Republic of Türkiye, keeping our word.

18 November 2023


Not ESG, but G(EES)

F (Financial reporting) & ESG (sustainability reporting) division suggests that sustainability is not viewed holistically and fully integrated into the decision-making processes of the company. The G in ESG refers to a governance definition that is limited; adopting a more comprehensive view of governance can enable more effective management of sustainability.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Gizem Argüden Oskay

IFRS Sustainability Symposium, 17 February 2023


Integrated Reporting for Public Sector

Improving the trust of citizens is key to improve the quality of life and to achieve a sustainable future. Public sector’s adoption of Integrated Reporting would be a good milestone for this purpose.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Dr. Erkin Erimez

IFRS Sustainability Symposium, 17 February 2023


For Sustainable Success, Sustainability Needs to be the Responsibility of Boards and CEOs

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden and Gizem Argüden Oskay state, “A broad and holistic approach must be adopted at every step, from thought to incentive systems, and from strategy to implementation for sustainability.”

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Gizem Argüden Oskay

Harvard Business Review Türkiye, April 2022


Responsible Boards – Action Plan for a Sustainable Future

A sustainable global economy is one that combines long-term profitability with ethical behavior, social justice, and environmental care. Companies can play a fundamental role in creating a sustainable future by embracing this challenge as an opportunity for innovation and long-term value creation.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden

IFC Private Sector Opinion, March 2015


ESG Rating Agencies in the Regulatory Cross Hairs

One subject you can get rare agreement on in the world of ESG is the inconsistency in results and power wielded by ESG rating agencies. This has not gone unnoticed by the regulators as one of the potential enablers of greenwashing.

Paul Smith, Kübra Koldemir, Andrea Webster, Ayşe Kaşıkçı


Forget the Race To Space. We’re In a Race For Food and Water

Food is not only nourishing and vital for our survival, but it also conjures up some of our most cherished memories. As the world contemplates food insecurity issues brought on by climate change, the inefficiency of our food supply system and political tensions, investing in a safe and secure food future resonates with all of us, governments and individuals alike.

Kübra Koldemir, Elisabeth Alfano

5 May 2022

The Elephant in the Room: The ESG Contradiction

We all agree that finance has a key role to play in getting us to net zero. But we can’t ignore the elephant in the room: the inherent conflict between the “E,” the “S,” and the “G” in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing.

Kübra Koldemir, Andrea Webster, Paul Smith

28 January 2022

Put Your Money Where Yoour Mouth is: Vegetarian and Vegan Investing

Everyone knows that the meat industry has a terrible carbon footprint. While your diet is a personal choice, could financing vegetarian products be the game changer needed to move the dial on hanging our consumer habits? Vegetarian-related investing has moved from a fringe idea into unicorn territory; once the domain of impact investors only, it is now going mainstream with the evelopment of the FoodTech sector, a structural investment theme that investors cannot ignore.

Kübra Koldemir, Andrea Webster, Paul Smith

25 December 2021

ESG Disclosure: Four Ways External Assurance Can Build Trust

Trust makes the economy go’round. There is a very good reason why financial statements must be audited by an external auditor: Because it builds trust. The question is, How can ESG assurance build trust in ESG disclosures when the external audit, the most advanced form of assurance, is struggling with a trust deficit?

Kübra Koldemir, Usman Hayat, CFA

11 November 2021

Qualities of an Authentic Asset Manager with ESG Ambitions

ESG is not an end objective in itself but a journey to deliver a better planet. We need to ask why at every stage and not get swayed by what is considered to be trendy or by some imitation products coming to the market. Being ESG credible and authentic requires fund managers to rethink their purpose both as individuals and as organizations.

Kübra Koldemir, Fabrizio Palmucci

17 August 2021

Educated Girls, Improved Quality of Life

It is British philosopher Alain de Botton who said: “We become fully human only through education’’. We expect education to be accessible, free, and compulsory everywhere in the world; but in reality, according to the United Nations, there are still 260 million children out of school! Many education-related investments in emerging countries primarily focus on building schools and increasing the number of educational institutions.

Kübra Koldemir, Richard Betts, Caroline Codsi

16 June 2021

Climate Justice and Gender Equality

Environmental issues such as climate change are also indivisibly social and economic issues. This is why there is a term called climate justice, highlighting how it is essential to connect the causes and effects of climate change to concepts of environmental and social justice. It underscores the human, ethical and political dimensions presented by climate change and how it is misplaced to think of climate change as purely an environmental issue.

Dr. Erkin Erimez, Kübra Koldemir, Richard Betts

14 April 2021

Reducing ESG Litigation Risk Through Integrated Thinking

The need for corporate purpose and the question of “why” companies do what they do is becoming ever more important. For a corporation articulating an inspiring purpose to all the stakeholders and especially to the employees is just a first step. Next comes the challenge of how to walk the talk?

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Kübra Koldemir, Paul Smith, Anand Ramachandran

9 March 2021

Tackling global inequality in a world impacted by COVID and climate change: Lessons from Peterloo and Black Lives Matter

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” Martin Luther King

Dr. Erkin Erimez, Kübra Koldemir, Richard Betts

24 January 2021

Net Zero & The Natural World

we increasingly find ourselves in situations that remind us how our world is highly interconnected and how we all depend on the natural world for everything. Through our Covid-19 experience, we may now have more reason to contemplate how through our exploitation of the natural world we are not only currently endangering the survival of many species, but also risking our prosperity and ultimately our survival.

Dr. Erkin Erimez, Kübra Koldemir, Richard Betts

2 December 2020

From Why to Why Not: What Should Corporations Do to Manage ESG?

Previously in our Blog, we have explored the need for corporate purpose and to ask the question “why” companies do what they do. We emphasized the significance of an inspiring purpose articulated in the form of a mission statement in ensuring durable, high quality relationships with stakeholders.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Kübra Koldemir, Paul Smith, Anand Ramachandran

27 September 2020

Value of Nature & Cats of İstanbul

In our modern hectic lifestyle, we often don’t have time to take stock and reflect on many things, including the importance and value of the natural world. In addition, we have tended to take the many free services the natural world provides us for granted. Genetically, we have a deeply engrained short-term focus and just one manifestation of this can be that we often assume that our world will always stay the same.

Dr. Erkin Erimez, Kübra Koldemir, Richard Betts

26 August 2020

Asset Management is Ripe for Leadership Evolution

There are different ways an organization can attract and engage its various stakeholders. Having an inspiring purpose articulated in form of a mission statement may be one of the most effective ways. An even simpler concept is presented by Simon Sinek, the British-American author, who offers “WHY” as an influential notion in his impactful book “Start with why”.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Kübra Koldemir, Paul Smith, Anand Ramachandran

27 July 2020

Earning Trust Through Long-Term Integrated Thinking

“Trust is the essence of good governance and the foundation for sustainable development.” Trust is very fragile. It takes special attention to detail to build and even more to protect it. As Warren Buffet says “It takes years to build a reputation and seconds to ruin it.”

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Kübra Koldemir, Paul Smith, Anand Ramachandran

29 May 2020

Will Approach to ESG Separate Asia from the Rest of Emerging Markets?

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” Mahatma Gandhi This applies to governments, corporations as well as individuals.Asian markets should continue their focus on ESG and apply the same sensible attitude, which they had in the past.

Dr. Erkin Erimez, Kübra Koldemir, Özgür Göker

14 April 2020

Early Bird Gets the Worm

“Our lives are finite, but life is infinite. We are finite players in the infinite game of life,” says Simon Sinek, the British-American author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant. “We come and go, we are born and we die, and life continues with or without us.”

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, Kübra Koldemir

3 February 2020

Climate Change, Divestment & Sustainability Governance Scorecard

Sometimes circumstances may lead us to believe that excluding or sidelining a group of people or assets may be the best solution, when faced with a situation that we find morally questionable. We may do this on a personal level when as an individual we boycott the products of an organization. At other times, we may form a group of individuals to exclude a specific organization, or alternatively, it may be a whole group of organizations sidelining another large group of organizations.

Dr. Erkin Erimez, Kübra Koldemir

1 October 2019

Why Does Consistency Matter and Why the SGScorecard?

Sometimes, when we try to make a judgment about our relationships, we look at the intensity of "special days” like anniversaries, birthdays, and other "big" events. However, Simon Sinek, the British-American author, motivational speaker and organizational consultant, draws our attention to a magic word “consistency”. He suggests that we use this concept when we try to reason the strength of our relationships.

Kübra Koldemir, Dr. Fatma Öğücü Şen

15 July 2019

Who To Fall In Love With & Why The Sustainability Governance Scorecard?

If someone asked you: Would you rather fall in love with a person with an ability to create short term profit or a person with an ability to create long term sustainable value? How would you answer? What is the difference between success that creates wealth in our lifetime and an achievement with a longer-term sustainable value for generations to come?

Kübra Koldemir, Gizem Argüden Oskay

May 2019