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With our publications, we are targeting individuals of all ages and professionals from every sector with the aim of improving the quality of life. By sharing our publications with our stakeholders free of charge, we contribute to intellectual development.

The Model provides a tool to measure the quality of processes to build trust at every stage. 

Hazırlanan bu rehber ile başta vatandaşlar ve sivil toplum aktörleri olmak üzere, tüm kamu kurumları, özel sektör ve diğer paydaşların Sivil Etkileşim Değerlendirme Modeli©ni benimsemesi ve çalışmalarında kullanması katılımcı demokrasiyi ve toplumsal güveni geliştirecektir.

With this study we conducted 5 years later for Istanbul district municipalities, our main goal is to support the trustworthy and effective use of the authority and resources entrusted to decision-makers.

Sustainability reporting is an evolving field, improving every year as more companies adopt good practices and increase transparency regarding their sustainability performance. As such, we as well re-evaluate our methodology and criteria set to reflect these developments each year.

The IMGM has been developed by Argüden Governance Academy for the purpose of strengthening good governance at municipalities through a holistic and practical manner.

The Metropolitan Municipality Governance Scorecard (MMGS) is a citizen-centric governance model that can be used by every metropolitan municipality in Türkiye and in the world.

Public policies directly and deeply affect social development. It shapes social life both by touching the lives of citizens and by its impact on the business world.

To move towards a more sustainable future, we need to have organizations that assume their sustainability responsibilities and take action.

Sustainability is critical not only for the livelihood of the humanity and the planet, but also for the long-term success of the corporation.

Thanks to KOPAŞ Kozmetik A.Ş. for the special contributions and supports to our publication.

We were excited to suggest that our Municipality Governance Scorecard© Model we developed, would be used to improve inclusiveness in local governments from a women's and girls' perspective.

We translate OECD’s Regulatory Policy Outlook Reports into Turkish to create value in public governance.

Not only identifies and provides information about the state of the Global Sustainability Leaders, but also highlights good examples from which the world could learn.

This book published in the scope of "Governance Scorecard of Istanbul District Municipalities for Istanbul Districts" and includes articles about local good governance.

"From a Citizen’s Perspective: Governance Scorecard of Municipalities for İstanbul Districts" provides a guideline for local government officials and municipalities, serves as a measurement model for the regulatory bodies in assessing the governance habitat of municipalities, offers citizens and stakeholders a perspective for the improvement of trust in local governance processes

Our new book authored by Assist. Prof. Çiğdem Aksu includes a summary of OECD’s “Governing the City” and evaluation of Adana in terms of transportation and spatial planning, the 4th largest metropolitan city of Türkiye. We aim this book inspires other cities in Türkiye as well.

‘Integrated Thinking’ is gaining momentum throughout the business world. Thus, we’ve translated “Integrate: Doing Business in the 21st Century” into Turkish, co-authored by our Advisory Board Member Prof. Mervyn E. King and Leigh Roberts.

Turkish translation of Cranfield University’s “Stakeholder Engagement” is a guide that exhibits how the public sector and private companies can include 'Stakeholder Engagement' in their decision making processes.

We value that children, as today and future leaders, be raised as responsible individuals who embrace good governance culture in their lives. The first book contains democracy&rights, healthy life, and gender equality modules.

We value that children, as today and future leaders, be raised as responsible individuals who embrace good governance culture in their lives. The second book contains access to secure information, financial literacy, cooperation&volunteerism, and environmental sustainability modules.

The significance of civil society has been increasing both at national and global level. Strengthening civil society is crucial in transition from representative democracy to participatory democracy; dissemination of good governance practices in the society; and promotion of sustainable development.

This publication focuses on emerging social responsibilities of corporations and the role of their general counsel. With the translation of UN Global Compact's "Guide for General Counsel on Corporate Sustainability", the publication emphasizes evolving role of general counsel, C-level management, ethic and compliance responsibles of the companies and provides case studies.

Consists of an extensive summary and analysis of the ‘OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015 Report’ which was originally published in English and French.

Global developments and external pressures on resource scarcity and access to information increases the importance of Boards responsibilities on sustainability for the corporation long-term viability and competitiveness.

Academy’s translation publication of “OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises 2015 Edition” is providing recommendations to governments on the Good Governance of SOEs and other public institutions on adopting transparency, fairness, accountability, and responsibility implementations.

We contribute to C20 as a working group member.

Argüden Governance Academy translated the report into Turkish, which is originally published in English and French.


We contribute to the adoption of our unique models and the concepts we advocate by other institutions, and provide them with insights.

All our publications are FREE to download as pdf files. Printed copies are Not For Resale.