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Participatory Democracy NGO's Strengthening Recommendations Workshops

We have completed our research project “Participatory Democracy: Recommendations for Strengthening Non-Governmental Organizations”, which we realized with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and in cooperation with TEPAV and TESEV. We held events where we shared our research results.

Participatory Democracy NGO's Strengthening Recommendations Workshops

Ankara, 26 October – 25 November 2016

In the transition from representative democracy to participatory democracy, one of the most important conditions for the spread of good governance practices and sustainable development in the society is a “strong civil society” organization. With this perspective, we prepared a set of proposals for the empowerment of NGOs in 2016. 

As part of the project, we conducted a survey in which we asked 94 non-governmental organizations from 19 different cities about their current problems and suggestions for improvement. We shared the prominent issues with NGO representatives at the workshops we organized in Adana, Ankara and Istanbul and got their opinions. We compiled our suggestions and survey results, which we enriched with the workshops we held in a participatory environment, in our publication "Participatory Democracy: Recommendations to Strengthen NGOs" and conveyed them to all stakeholders of the issue. In this book, we also summarized a comprehensive literature study on civil society and the current state of civil society in Türkiye.

  • We held our workshop in Adana with the cooperation of Adana City Council on October 26,
  • Our workshop in Ankara hosted by Civil Think on November 15,
  • Our workshop in Istanbul on November 25 with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Click here to access the Participatory Democracy: Recommendations to Strengthen NGO's.