Good governance is key to the sustainability of sustainability work. For this reason, Argüden Governance Academy has developed the Sustainability Governance Scorecard©, which defines how the best companies in their field (Global Sustainability Leaders) conduct and manage their sustainability efforts. This study, which is an impact-oriented research, aims to mobilize stakeholders and increase implementation effectiveness. Our approach in this study is suitable for use as a tool to improve the quality of governance on sustainability issues. The purpose of the Sustainability Governance Scorecard is; is not to measure sustainability performance, but to evaluate the establishment of the sustainability governance climate in which sustainability studies can progress. In order to accelerate the learning of the business world from each other, best practices from various sustainability governance stages are included in the Report.
The 2020 results of our “Sustainability Governance Scorecard ©” (SG Scorecard) Research, which has been followed with interest in Türkiye and around the world since we published the first one in 2019 and was published, are presented at the Global Conference organized online by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) on December 1, 2020.
The world's leading institutions and thought leaders attended the conference where we shared the results of the research, good examples from Türkiye and the world, and the research model.
We hope that the Sustainability Governance Scorecard will contribute to a better world by accelerating the business world's learning from Global Sustainability Leaders.
Among the shared results of the research, three stand out. These results are as follows:
Boards of directors need to take the lead on sustainability.
Global Sustainability Leaders adopt a data-driven approach for both the organization and the ecosystem, and the significant impacts of companies are shared transparently.
Creating Sustainable Value is a journey. Continuous learning and meaningful stakeholder engagement (employees, supply chain and all stakeholders) are required to achieve effective results.
Click here to access the 2020 Sustainability Governance Scorecard.
Click here to access the 2019 Sustainability Governance Scorecard.
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